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National Fish Pharmaceuticals
Tips & Prevention.

Here you will find many ways to improve the quality of the environment for your tropical fish. And have a better understanding of fish keeping in general. We want to help make your hobby or business fun, not frustrating!

Below are links to few topics that make for a good foundation.

Medicating Your Fish




Why do fish get sick?  Simple, fish are living organisms.  When you are trying to keep live creatures, pathogens are always present.  Humans get sick, dogs and cats get sick... and so do fish.  Pathogens can be present in the water, or the pathogens can reside inside the fish's protective slime coat.  Sometimes, especially with an outdoor pond, pathogens may be introduced to the pond by wild birds, snails, frogs or crawdad's.  Fish are natural carriers of diseases.  When a fish becomes stressed, or there is a water quality problem, i.e. drop in temperature, improper pH, stress from being kept in the wrong type of environment, nutritional deficiency, humans handling the fish or tapping on the glass...or another aggressive species in the tank picking on it, the fish will eventually become ill.

When you medicate your fish, it is always important to follow the directions on the container before medicating. It is also important not to mix any medications together before contacting a professional.

Some medications cannot be mixed together and the results could be fatal to your fish. We have found that many people can be hypochondriacal when medicating their tanks, and either think that if they use more medication than is required, or that if they mix several medications together, it will cure the fish. This is not the best way to handle the problem obviously.

And one final word: There is no such thing as an overnight cure for fish diseases. These things take time. When using antibiotics the minimum treatment time is 10 days. If you medicate for less time, you have a chance of creating a resistant strain of pathogen and must switch to a stronger (and more expensive) medication to solve the problem.

For a quick reference on fish disease diagnosis, visit our Online Fish Disease Diagnosis pages and follow the flow charts.