Marine Fish Parasitic Disorders

**These treatments are for fish-only aquariums and not for reef tanks.





Treatment and Links

A).   Small white dots cover the fish.  Fish are stressed and some breathe rapidly Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Cryptocaryon Irritans Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart

Use:  Copper Sulfate -or- Forma-Green

If not, look down the chart further
B).  Medium to medium-large white dots and a heavy slime cover the fish. Copper does not work, and Formaldehyde/Malachite Green does not work either Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart


This is a resistant strain of Cryptocaryon Irritans that has recently been seen.

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use: Quinine Sulfate works well for this

If not, look down the chart further

C).   The skin on the fish appears to fall apart or slough off.  In severe cases ulcerations are apparent.  Fish may breathe heavily without showing any signs on the skin.  There may be a skin-like or whitish substance coming out of the gills. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Brooklynella Hostilis - One of the largest killers of marine fish Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use:  Forma-Green for a 5-7 day long term bath.  If you have scaless fish affected by this condition you will need to use Quinine Sulfate for 7 days.
If not, look down the chart further
D).   The fish are covered with a yellowish, mucoid type substance Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Trichodina Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use: Forma-Green for a 7 day bath.

This disease is caused by poor water quality and over-crowding

If not, look down the chart further
E).   White worms are seen on the skin and fins.  There are also worms on the glass or in the substrate Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Turbellarian worms are found in dirty, overcrowded aquaria. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use: De-Los -or- Praziquantel  If you have sharks or lion fish, do not use the De-los
If not, look down the chart further
F).   Fish flash and swim erratically, rubbing against items inside the aquarium. The eyes or vent may also be affected. Skin ulcerations with bacterial invasion may follow Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Monogenetic Tremadodes.  These worms may crawl into the vent or snout of the fish Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use: De-los to rid the tank of the parasites.  If you see a secondary bacterial infection in the ulcerations, treat the tank with Kanamycin.
If not, look down the chart further
G).   The fish flash around and gasp for air.  The fish seem hyper-active at times Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected by flukes Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use: Praziquantel -or- De-los.  Do not use De-los if you have sharks or lionfish in the aquarium
If not, look down the chart further
H).   The fish seem to have a pimple under the skin.  As the disease advances, necrotic tissue and external ulcerations are visible.  Death is quick. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Uronema Marinum -or-

Miamiensis Avidus

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Uronema and Miamiensis attack the fish from the inside out.  These are ciliated protozoa and are closely related. 

Use: Quinine Sulfate once, every 3 days, for a 9 day bath.


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