Fin Disorders





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A). The fish spread their fins, dart about and breathe rapidly Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The pH may be too low Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Do a pH test and use baking soda to raise it up to the required level.
If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    Could be poisoning, or high ammonia levels Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Change the water several times and filter over fresh, activated charcoal.

B).   The fins fray and the skin fades until it is whitish Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The pH can be too high Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Do several water changes.  If this does not help, lower the pH with Sodium Bisulfate -or- Sodium Monophosphate
If not, look down the chart further
C).   Black or brown nodules appear on and between the fin rays and at their bases Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart If the fish were captured in the wild, they could have encapsulated worm larvae (metacercariae) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:   De-Los
If not, look down the chart further
D).   Red worms appear at the bases of the fins Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Bloodworms (Philometra sanguinea) in the blood are involved Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No treatment known, in the aquarium there is no danger of any spread of the parasite.
If not, look down the chart further
E).   The fish compress their fins and scrape themselves.  Worms are apparent Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish are affected by a skin infection Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Praziquantel -or-  De-Los -or- Parinox
If not, look down the chart further
F).   White dots, up to 1mm in size, form on the fin edges and surfaces Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).   Your fish is affected with Ichthyophthirius (Ich).

b).   In saltwater, Cryptocaryon Irritans

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).  Use:   Forma-Green -or- Quinine Sulfate

b).  Use:  Quinine Sulfate -or- Forma-Green -or- Copper Sulfate.

If not, look down the chart further
G).   A velvety coating forms on the fin edges and the sides.  With a magnifying glass, the individual dots are visible Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected by Oodinium Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use:   Forma-Green -or- Copper Sulfate.
If not, look down the chart further
H).   The fins, edged in white, grow shorter and shorter Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Bacterial fin rot, or too high pH Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Check the pH.   If this is not the case, treat with:  TMP Sulfa  -or-  Sulfa 4 TMP
If not, look down the chart further
I).   Small, white, cauliflower looking substances are attached to the fins, or at the base of the fins. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish is affected by the Lymphosistis virus Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.
If not, look down the chart further
J).   Wormlike cysts, measuring up to 1cm are found in the fins Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Probably Dermocystidium Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.

If not, look down the chart further

K).  The fish have redness at the base of the fins, or... red streaking in the fins and/or body. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected by Hemorrhagic Septicemia Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat the fish with Doxycycline -or- Oxytetracycline for 10 days.

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