Fin Disorders
Treatment and Links
A). The fish spread their fins, dart about and
breathe rapidly |
The pH may be too low |
Do a pH test and use baking soda to raise it up
to the required level. |
Could be poisoning, or high ammonia levels |
Change the water several times and filter over
fresh, activated charcoal. |
B). The fins fray and the skin fades
until it is whitish |
The pH can be too high |
Do several water changes. If this does not
help, lower the pH with Sodium Bisulfate -or- Sodium Monophosphate |
C). Black or brown nodules appear on
and between the fin rays and at their bases |
If the fish were captured in the wild, they
could have encapsulated worm larvae (metacercariae) |
Treat with:
De-Los |
D). Red worms appear at the bases of
the fins |
Bloodworms (Philometra sanguinea) in the blood
are involved |
No treatment known, in the aquarium there is no
danger of any spread of the parasite. |
E). The fish compress their fins and
scrape themselves. Worms are apparent |
The fish are affected by a skin infection |
Treat with: Praziquantel -or-
De-Los -or-
Parinox |
F). White dots, up to 1mm in size,
form on the fin edges and surfaces |
a). Your fish is affected with Ichthyophthirius
b). In saltwater, Cryptocaryon Irritans |
a). Use:
-or- Quinine Sulfate b).
Use: Quinine Sulfate -or- Forma-Green
-or- Copper Sulfate. |
G). A velvety coating forms on the
fin edges and the sides. With a magnifying glass, the
individual dots are visible |
Your fish are affected by Oodinium |
Forma-Green -or-
Copper Sulfate. |
H). The fins, edged in white, grow
shorter and shorter |
Bacterial fin rot, or too high pH |
Check the pH. If this is not the
case, treat with:
TMP Sulfa -or-
Sulfa 4 TMP |
I). Small, white, cauliflower
looking substances are attached to the fins, or at the base of
the fins. |
Your fish is affected by the Lymphosistis virus |
No suitable treatment known. |
J). Wormlike cysts, measuring up to
1cm are found in the fins |
Probably Dermocystidium |
No suitable treatment known. |
K). The fish have redness at the base of
the fins, or... red streaking in the fins and/or body. |
Your fish are affected by Hemorrhagic Septicemia |
Treat the fish with
Doxycycline -or- Oxytetracycline for 10 days. |
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