Physical Changes





Treatment and Links

A).  Is the body of one or more of the fish distorted by a curvature of the spinal column Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).   The fish are affected by sporozoa

b).  The fish are affected by tuberculosis

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).  No suitable treatment known

b).  Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6  Treat for up to 30 days.

If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    Dylox poisoning?  Have the fish been recently treated with Dylox, Masoten or Trichlorfon? Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.

B).  Does the fish have swelling on the floor of the mouth or under the operculum (gill plate)? Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish is affected by a Thyroid Tumor Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Make a stock solution of Potassium Iodide and Iodine.  Use 1 drop per gallon.  Re-treat after every water change.  Treatment may take several weeks.

Stock solution for above: 0.5g iodine + 5 g Potassium Iodide dissolved in 100ml. of water.

If not, look down the chart further
C).   Do the eyes slowly begin to protrude? Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).   Tuberculosis

b).  Abdominal dropsy

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).  Treat with Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6.

b).  Treat with Gentamycin Sulfate or Oxolinic Acid. or Koi Fix®

If not, look down the chart further
D).   Many fish lose weight and show a sharp edge to the ridge of the dorsum (thinning of the upper body), The body sinks in, the fish darken in color.  The eyes can also sink in Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are probably affected with intestinal flagellates or worms.  Examine a fecal smear under the microscope Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Paracide-D -or- Paracide-X.
If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    Tuberculosis or abdominal dropsy can also be the cause Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).  Treat with Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6.

b).  Treat with Gentamycin Sulfate or Oxolinic Acid.

E).   The eyes of one or more fish become cloudy Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Were the fish just shipped or carried in a plastic bucket? Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The cornea is somewhat abraded.  It will regenerate within 2 days.  Some Methylene Blue may be added to the water to encourage healing.
If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    Worm larvae are found in the eye, (worm cataract).  Examine with a magnifying glass Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The disease cannot spread in the aquarium.  With preventative measures, the fish can live a long time.
  If not, look down the chart further    
  Bacterial infection of the eye Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use:   Kanamycin -or- Gentamycin Sulfate.

F).   The eye does not become cloudy, but is destroyed from within, it caves in and kills the fish   A fungal infection is present Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Copper Sulfate  In this scenario, the fish usually cannot be saved.
If not, look down the chart further
G).   Your fish received a wound by fighting with other fish, or injured itself on the landscaping objects in the tank! Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Immediately isolate the fish into a quarantine tank. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Prevent bacterial or fungal infection of the wound by treating with Nitrofuracin Green -or- Acriflavine -or- Methylene Blue
If not, look down the chart further
H).   The fish looks like tiny chunks have been torn out of it's body.  The wound edges are bloody Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish has open tuberculosis.  Do not reach into the tank if you have cuts on your hands or other open breaks in the skin.  Take care!!!   This can be spread to humans. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:  Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6.  Treat for up to 30 days.

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