A). Sea horses
appear lethargic, disoriented and have whitish masses on their
Exophiala, sea horse disease.
This disease will affect other fishes like triggerfish.
Griseofulvin powder -or- Fungus Pro.
B). Fish have
small-medium white granulomas on their skin and swim in a
corkscrew pattern
Ichthyophonus hoferi
No suitable treatment known.
This disease is caused by spores which may be ingested by other
fish. Remove dead fish immediately.
C). The fish
display white cotton-like growths on body or fins. After time
this goes away and bright red open sores are present on the
skin. Fins may be severely eroded, or even missing
Saprolegnia Fungus
Use: Forma-Green
for a 5-7 day long term bath. If you have scaless fish
affected by this condition you will need to use Copper Sulfate
or Griseofulvin powder