Brooklynella is the
heavy amount of slime that is produced by this dinoflagellate
usually starting near the gills.
Brooklynella and Oodinium are parasitic
dinoflagellates which can infect and kill many species of saltwater
fish. Similar to
(Marine Ich and other external fish parasites, this Dinoflagellate
is much more dangerous in the confines of an aquarium, especially a
small overcrowded tank due to rapid re-production.
Brooklynella is extremely hardy and can withstand a wide variety of
salinity variables, and temperature fluctuations. However the number
of infective organisms that are found in the water in any given area
is very small.
small numbers can quickly explode. Stress and low
are more of a factor with brooklynella, so prevention is important.
Similar to Cryptocaryon, the infective
Dinospore, which is free-swimming; the attached Trophont, which is
found on external surfaces in contact with environmental water; and
the mature cyst/ dividing Tomont.
The mature cyst can release
hundreds of Dinospores which are free swimming and impossible to see
with the naked eye. Since these Dinoflagellates do not have
Chloroplasts like their freshwater cousins, must have a host to
survive. Usually these Dinospores can only live 48 hours to one week
without a host.
The gills are where the Brooklynella
Dinospores attack first due to the soft tissue that is easy to
pentetrate. The Dinospore attaches a filament into the host fish
for feeding becoming a Trophont. After anywhere from 24 hours to
a few days, the Trophonts cease feeding and form a Cyst to fall
off a start a new cycle again
All stages possess a cellulose cell
wall that can make them difficult to treat, however the
Dinospore stage is the most susceptible to treatment..
Quinine Sulfate is the best stuff that we have for brook outbreaks.
I have used it over and over again, especially on
treat brook, ich and protozoan ciliates with great success.
One dose, one week of treatment and it's gone. If you
are a marine hobbyist, you need quinine in your medicine chest.
Dr. Brian G. Aukes; PhD. Chief Pathologist, National Fish
Fish Health Articles