Swim Bladder Disorders

Whenever you suspect a swim bladder problem, do not poke the fish with a pin or needle!





Treatment and Links

A).  The fish whirl or wobble around the aquarium Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart This is a gram-positive bacterial infection of the swim bladder known as: Whirling disease Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with TMP Sulfa -or- Erythromycin

If not, look down the chart further

A).   The swim bladder contains purulent fluid.  Large numbers of bacteria are found in the fluid and the wall Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart This involves a bacterial infection usually as a result of an inflammation Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Quinine Sulfate.
If not, look down the chart further
B).   The wall of the swim bladder is hardened Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The Swim bladder is hardened Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Raise the temperature in the tank by 3 to 5 degrees for five days.
If not, look down the chart further
C).   Round cysts of various sizes occur in the wall of the swim bladder Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish are affected with the sporozoan Eimeria Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Try:    Furazolidone Powder -or- Quinine Sulfate.
If not, look down the chart further
D).   Large inclusions occur in the wall of the swim bladder Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish is affected with Microspora Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.
If not, look down the chart further
E).   The anterior part of the air bladder, the part towards the abdomen, is inflamed.   These fish were standing on their heads, or laying flat on the bottom Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart A bacterial infection is the cause Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:   TMP Sulfa -or- Sulfa 4 TMP.
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