Locomotor Disorders





Treatment and Links

A). The fish ocassionally become shy & jerk their fins Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Trichodina Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Malachite Green -or- Forma-Green.
If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    Incipient infections caused by skin parasites Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Nitrofurazone -or- Nitrofuracin Green -or- Sulfa 4 TMP. -or- Koi Fix®

B).  The fins stay folded, the fish swims restlessly around, and often scrapes against objects Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish has skin parasites Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Praziquantel for marine fish -or- Parinox -or- De-Los -or- Copper Sulfate.
If not, look down the chart further
C).  Many of the fish hardly move.  They rock and their fins stay folded.  Many cichlids darken in color Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Columnaris bacteria have attacked the skin Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:  TMP Sulfa -or- Sulfa 4 TMP -or- Parinox.
If not, look down the chart further
D).  The fish swims lethargically and the flee reflex is absent.   The eye reflex is disturbed or absent.  They do not seek cover Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish are probably affected with blood flagellates (fish sleeping sickness) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use:  Methylene Blue at 5 drops per gallon for 5 days.
If not, look down the chart further   If not, look down the chart further    
    The fish are affected by a severe condition of the internal organs Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Use:  Gentamycin Sulfate for 10 days.  Treat once every 5 days, with a 50% water change before each treatment.

E).  The fish whirls and wobbles   a).  Whirling disease.  Or,...           

b).   complete exhaustion in a tank with aggressive species

  a).  Treat with Quinine Sulfate.  b). remove fish from the tank into a hospital tank and treat with Methylene Blue for 3-5 days.
If not, look down the chart further
F).  Several fish stagger around Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish are affected by Ichthyophonus fungus (ichthyophoniasis) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.  Remove dead fish immediately from tank to prevent spores from being ingested and affecting other fish.
If not, look down the chart further
G).  One or more of the fish cannot remain motionless in the water.   Discus lie flat on the bottom, or float head down (head standers) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The air bladder is affected.  A temperature spike can be the cause.   Discus fish are affected with an infection of the oval opening of the swim bladder. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Isolate the fish and lower the temperature.  Observe for 2 days.   If the condition persists, treat with Erythromycin

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